At its May 28, 2015 meeting the North Dakota Racing Commission, pursuant to Admin Rule 69.5-01-02-01(2), modified its medication rules to include the regulation of cobalt as follows:
No penalty for cobalt concentrations of less than 25 parts per billion (ppb) of blood serum or plasma.
For cobalt concentrations of 25 ppb or greater but less than 50 ppb of blood plasma or serum the recommended penalty is a written warning or fine and the placement of the horse on the Veterinarians List with removal from list only after a blood test confirms that the concentration is below 25 ppb of blood plasma or serum. Testing shall be paid by the owner(s) of the horse.
Concentrations of 50 ppb or greater in blood plasma or serum have a recommended “B” penalty.
ARCI Uniform Classification Guidelines for Foreign Substances & Recommended Penalties Version 9.00
Cobalt Notice (176kb pdf)
If there are any questions please contact the North Dakota Racing Commission.